Soll ich mein Baby zum Stillen wecken?

Should I wake my baby to breastfeed?

Typically, every (breastfed) baby wakes up several times a night to feed on their own. However, sometimes you'll be told to actively wake your baby, or you'll start to get restless because your baby hasn't fed in such a long time. Nighttime breastfeeding is very important for a newborn in general, but also for an infant. It maintains milk production, provides your baby with all the necessary nutrients, and helps mom keep her breasts nice and soft.

You can read in this article whether you really need to actively wake your baby at night and why this is necessary for some babies.

Table of contents:

  1. Do I have to wake my baby to breastfeed (at night)?
  2. What is the best way to wake my baby?
  3. How do I recognize a sleepy baby and what could it be a sign of?
  4. When do I no longer have to wake my baby at night?
  5. Conclusion

1. Do I have to wake my baby to breastfeed (at night)?

Generally, waking babies at night to breastfeed is not recommended, as their little bodies know from birth how to let them know when they need to breastfeed. Newborns generally feed abundantly after birth and then remain very sleepy for up to 12 hours as they recover from the birth. However, there are, of course, cases where waking them is important.

A distinction must be made here between newborns (up to the 28th day of life) and infants (from the beginning of the 29th day of life up to the 12th month of life). A healthy, full-term infant never needs to be woken to breastfeed. If your baby sleeps for 6 hours at 3 weeks without asking, then enjoy the free time! In most cases, the breastfeeding relationship is already established during infancy, and parents can trust that their baby will ask when it needs closeness or nourishment.

In rare cases, a newborn may not be able to do this: a long, strenuous birth may have taken its toll; the newborn may have lost more than 10-12% of its body weight and may be drinking ineffectively or may be ill.

After a natural birth without strong pain medication or an epidural, both the newborn and mother often recover from the stresses of childbirth and get plenty of sleep in the first few days after birth. If the newborn is breastfed without any external pacifier (pacifier, bottle, etc.) and on demand, it usually doesn't need to be woken. From then on, the newborn should demand about 8-12 breastfeeds per day. It's best to start feeding as soon as the baby notices the first signs of hunger (smacking their lips, moving their head, etc.) and not wait until they cry. If you feel uncomfortable or experience (severe) pain while breastfeeding, contact a qualified nurse or, ideally, a lactation consultant.

Strong painkillers, a very long labor, an epidural, or a cesarean section can all make a newborn a little more groggy. The overall situation should be considered: If the newborn is feeding effectively (visible swallowing, movement of the ear/jaw and temple areas, etc.), then it can be assumed that it is getting enough milk. Waking or supplementing with food is rarely necessary. However, it can be a good idea to wake the newborn (e.g. every two to four hours) to ensure that the breast produces enough milk. Milk production always depends on demand: the more the baby suckles/nurses at the breast, the more milk is produced. However, breastfeeding early enough is usually enough.

Premature babies often have special needs and a different starting point. Close collaboration with the pediatric hospital's medical staff (and a certified lactation consultant) is essential. Plenty of skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding will help your baby adjust to the new environment. It's best to discuss with the nursing staff whether nighttime waking is necessary.

Be careful when using pacifiers (see also section 3): a pacifier (also known as a pacifier) ​​can tire a newborn and thus minimize their natural need to suckle. After birth, ensure plenty of skin-to-skin contact and offer your baby the breast at the slightest sign of hunger.

2. What is the best way to wake my baby?

Whether you want to wake your baby to breastfeed at night or during the day, start gently. Don't just pick them up; speak to them in a voice that gradually gets louder. You can explain what you're doing and stroke them lovingly. Sometimes it can be stimulating if you take off their socks and massage their little feet. Your newborn may already be stretching. You can take them close (or maybe they're already lying next to you?) and offer them your breast. Sometimes it can help to stroke the mouth area with your nipple and touch their lips. This triggers the search reflex. When their mouth is now open wide enough, you can breastfeed your baby.

If your baby still hasn't woken up, you can gently pick him up and continue talking or singing to him. Changing his diaper may also help him wake up.

If your baby keeps falling asleep while breastfeeding, you can try another foot massage, gently and lightly massaging his jaw and ears, or accept that he needs more sleep before breastfeeding again.

3. How do I recognize a sleepy baby and what could it be a sign of?

Do you feel like your baby is too sleepy and you're waking them up regularly? Perhaps your child is no longer a newborn but an infant and still falls asleep during feedings? Is your child showing other symptoms like lethargy or slow weight gain?

A sleepy baby may be the first warning sign of a condition such as neonatal jaundice or nipple confusion. Please discuss your concerns with a medical professional.

Jaundice is often noticed in the hospital or by your postnatal midwife, but parents also quickly notice when something is wrong: a sleepy and weak baby, little stools, yellowing of the skin, and even the whites of the baby's eyes are (very) yellow? This is a case for the midwife and/or pediatrician.

Nipple confusion is often less noticeable and occurs with the use of artificial teats such as pacifiers and bottles. One consequence of this can be weight loss, as the baby tires itself out by sucking on the pacifier, thus stimulating milk production less, and thus needs to be woken more often. You can consult a lactation consultant or nurse/midwife with additional training, or you can prevent this by avoiding pacifiers and supplementing with breastfeeding-friendly supplements when needed (pipette, open cup—depending on the baby's age).

4. When do I no longer have to wake my baby at night?

Sometimes, as a parent, you miss the point when your child is actually capable of doing something on their own. When waking them up in the middle of the night, I recommend considering the child's general condition in conjunction with the reason they were woken up in the first place.

For example, did you wake your baby to breastfeed the first few nights because you had an epidural and you felt more comfortable that way? Then take a look at your baby's weight gain! Is he or she gaining weight well, drinking more and more actively, and your breasts have already filled with milk? Then now might be a good time to see if you can phase out the (nighttime) waking.

If your child has neonatal jaundice and you've been waking them at night to help them gain enough weight and excrete bilirubin, it's best to decide with your healthcare provider whether you can stop waking your child to breastfeed.

Generally, every case is a little different and can't be assessed in a general way. It's best to listen to your gut and look at your child as a whole: Is he or she active? Is he or she gaining weight? Is your breastfeeding relationship improving?

5. Conclusion

After birth, the baby is just as exhausted as the mother. Giving birth is hard work for both, as the newborn has to process all the new experiences.

A mother can best help her child here by providing plenty of naked physical contact and breastfeeding. This stimulates sufficient milk production and allows the baby to feel secure.

Through the newborn's crying and quick soothing at the breast, nature regulates the child's nutrition, its arrival in this world, and sufficient weight gain. By listening to your child and trusting nature, it is only necessary to wake your child in very rare cases.

Guest article by Sabrina from Breastfeeding with Love :
Instagram: sabrina.grabow
