Safety first! The 6 most important tips to ensure your baby sleeps safely
Most parents deal with the topic of a “healthy sleeping environment” in great detail during pregnancy. It plays an enormously important role in healthy baby sleep and is an essential factor in preventing sudden infant death.
But in the flood of information that (expectant) parents have at their disposal, it is often difficult to keep track of things and not to panic before the child is even born is not that easy. Especially at the beginning, new mothers are often afraid of doing something "wrong" or overlooking something essential.
That's why we, together with Sabrina von, the 6 most important topics for a safe sleeping environment briefly and concisely compiled - including a short checklist to print out!
Have fun reading & implementing :)
Table of contents: 1. The right room climate |

Tip 1: The right room climate
A healthy room climate is part of an optimal sleeping environment.
The optimal sleeping temperature is around 16-18 °C. However, you should make sure that the cot is not directly next to the radiator or in direct sunlight.
To one fresh air supply To ensure this, care must be taken to ventilate frequently (but only briefly). For this purpose, the window should not be tilted, but opened completely. We therefore recommend carrying out brief, regular ventilation instead of exposing the child to long-term drafts. This can be very critical, especially in the head area.
The humidity should be in the range of 50 to 65% in the bedroom. Too little humidity and too high a room temperature lead to dehydration and irritation of the mucous membranes and increase the risk of infection and cold.

Tip 2: The right place to sleep
Especially in the first months of life, many mothers use the cradle, the stroller or the bassinet. At the beginning, these offer the advantage that the children usually feel very comfortable and secure in them due to the limited space. However, we advise against letting the children sleep permanently in the bassinet or pram, or the cradle, as the air circulation is not always sufficiently guaranteed. Instead, we recommend putting the child to sleep in a cot or extra bed.
The bars of a baby bed ensure good air circulation, which protects the little ones from overheating. The baby mattress should offer ergonomic lying comfort and also allow good air circulation to prevent heat build-up or the formation of mold.
When buying a cot/playpen, please make sure that there are no head restraints. Your adult fist should just fit between the bars, otherwise there is a risk that your baby's head or arms will get caught in the gap. You should also make sure that there are no strings or ribbons within the baby's reach. Below we answer some of the most frequently asked questions:
2.1. Baby cot in master bedroom?
Basically, with regard to the prevention of sudden infant death, the WHO recommends that the child sleeps in its own bed in the parents' bedroom in the first year of life. So the child is very close at night and for breastfeeding mothers it is also very practical if the baby bed is as close as possible.
2.2. What do I have to consider with the extra bed?
The extra bed is open on one side and is placed directly next to the parents' bed or attached to the parents' bed. It should be ensured that there are no gaps between the extra bed and the parents' bed and that the child is not endangered by crawling out to the open side of the bed (e.g. falling out of the parents' bed).
2.3. Can I let my baby sleep in the bed with me?
Yes, but... If parents want their child to be very close to them at night and share the bed with them, then a few " safety rules " should be observed as a matter of urgency:
- No adult sleeping in the bed should be a smoker.
- There should be enough space.
- Waterbeds and sofas are not suitable for sleeping together.
- The child should not sleep next to an older child or alone in the parents' bed. Furthermore, no pets should be in the parents' bed.
- A fall-out guard should be attached to prevent the child from falling out of bed. It should also be ensured that it cannot become trapped between the bed and the wall or slip under blankets and pillows (risk of suffocation!).
Regardless of whether your baby ultimately sleeps in its own bed or in your parents' bed, the sleeping place should never be a playground and itself be in bed as little as possible (no nests, cuddly toys, lambskin, etc.). In addition, from our experience, it does not make sense to attach luminous and music-making mobiles to the bed.

Tip 3: The right sleeping environment
3.1. Dark sleeping environment
Many parents wonder how light or dark it should be for their child to sleep. It is important to know that a Darkening the room , day and night, favors the release of the "sleep hormone" melatonin! Melatonin is a sleep hormone that children can produce themselves from around the age of 4 months. This hormone makes it easier for humans to fall asleep and stay asleep.
In the evening, the melatonin level rises steadily, which makes us tired and allows us to fall asleep easily. Incidentally, the concentration in breast milk is also higher at night. So you also pass on melatonin to your baby when breastfeeding at night.
Attention: We are now surrounded more and more by electrical devices that emit blue light (TV, tablet, PC, mobile phone, etc.). The This can disrupt the release of melatonin and your child sleeps much worse as a result. What applies to adults also applies to children: it is best to keep all devices away from the sleeping area (even if it is sometimes difficult : )
There are even studies that even the neighbor's TV light, if it shines in your bedroom, can have an impact on your sleep. You should therefore also darken the room during the day so that your baby can go to sleep relaxed and sleep more restfully. You should do this when changing diapers or giving bottles at night Dim the light only slightly so as not to upset your child's biorhythm.
3.2. Electrosmog
As with all electrical devices, baby monitors also generate electromagnetic radiation (depending on the device, low- and high-frequency fields), whereby the limit values of all devices are usually well below the limit values. Various scientific studies have been able to prove that electromagnetic radiation can affect our hormonal balance, our immune and nervous systems as well as our psyche. With your baby in particular, you should make sure that there is one between the bed and your baby monitor, mobile phone or mobile phone Keep a distance of at least 1 m (the bigger, the better) in order to keep the conceivable health risk from electromagnetic radiation as small as possible. Incidentally, the cot should not be in the immediate vicinity of night storage heaters, socket distributors, extension cords, etc.
PS: Basically, care should be taken to use devices with the lowest possible field intensity. It is always worth getting advice from a specialist dealer.
3.3. Smoke free environment
This topic is familiar to many mothers. And yet it is still sometimes underestimated or ignored. It cannot be stressed enough: It is imperative to ensure a smoke-free environment - at night as well as during the day! Otherwise, this can have a detrimental effect on the development of the child.
Photo: Happy baby in our WOMBI
Tip 4: The right baby clothing
Especially in the first 12 months it is recommended to put the child in a baby sleeping bag to sleep. A sleeping bag is the best alternative to a blanket, especially in the first few months, and ensures a restful and safe sleep for the baby. This way there is no risk of the baby slipping under the covers.
4.1. Adaptation to the temperature
When choosing the right baby sleeping bag, you should always consider the Pay attention to the time of year and the room temperature . The child should not be put on too much or too thick clothing, otherwise heat may build up! Hats or similar should not be worn when the baby sleeps, even if the child is sick or has a fever. When sleeping, a diaper, underwear and pajamas under the sleeping bag are usually sufficient; even less in summer.
4.2. Choice of model
There are now many baby sleeping bag models on the market, which does not necessarily make it easier to decide on a suitable model.
Basically, safety always comes first! Therefore, when choosing the right baby sleeping bag, harmless materials and the right cut be respected. Here we recommend using manufacturers who provide transparent material information.
Nevertheless, there are some differences, especially in terms of design or functionality, from more open to closed baby sleeping bag models. There are some very good models on the market, but every baby is different and mothers' challenges and needs are different. If you have a baby that has trouble falling asleep or sleeping through the night, our WOMBI, for example, could be a perfect alternative for you.
4.3. The WOMBI sleeping bag
The Wombi is the first closed baby sleeping bag in Germany. We have specially developed it so that it feels like it is in the womb for the baby. The closed design gives the little ones an additional feeling of security. The casual cut lets the little ones move freely and promotes their development. Many of our customers therefore see it as the optimal alternative to swaddling (which for many is the only solution) and the best solution to unswapping; i.e. the transition from swaddling to free sleep.
We wish you and your baby healthy and safe baby sleep. Your Wombambino Team & Sabrina from