Baby schläft tagsüber nicht: Was du dagegen tun kannst

Baby won't sleep during the day: what you can do about it

It can be quite frustrating when your little one just doesn't want to sleep during the day. Not only can missing daytime sleep make your baby grumpy, but it can also test your own energy and patience. But don't worry, you're not alone - many mothers face the same problem. In this article you will get some helpful tips on how to deal with the problem of missing daytime sleep.

Table of contents:
  1. Why doesn't the baby sleep during the day?
  2. This way you can avoid overstimulation
  3. Overtiredness causes restlessness
  4. The role of a structured day
  5. Stretcher - an alternative
  6. Infants sleep differently

1. Why doesn't the baby sleep during the day?

There are many reasons why babies have difficulty falling asleep during the day, and one of them is overstimulation. Overstimulation occurs when the baby processes too many sensory stimuli at once, which can lead to restlessness and difficulty falling asleep. This can be caused by loud noises, bright lights, or a crowded environment. If your baby takes in too much impressions during the day, he or she may have difficulty calming down and falling asleep.

Calming and relaxing elements in your daily routine help to avoid overstimulation. Consciously create a calm and relaxed atmosphere by dimming the lights and playing soft music. Reduce loud noises and keep the environment as quiet as possible before and during sleep times. If you notice that your baby is starting to get sleepy, encourage him to engage in calming activities such as gentle cuddles or quiet singing. This way you can minimize environmental stimuli and help your baby prepare for sleep.

2. How to avoid overstimulation

It's important to recognize which activities or environmental conditions may overwhelm your baby. Pay attention to your baby's reaction to different situations. If he shows signs of restlessness, crying, or rubbing his eyes, he may be overstimulated. Then reduce sensory stimuli by moving to a quieter room, dimming the lights, and avoiding loud noises. A proper environment can help your baby calm down and sleep better.

3. Overtiredness causes restlessness

It may sound counterintuitive, but an overtired baby often has trouble falling asleep well. When babies are overtired, they often become irritable, restless, and have difficulty calming down, relaxing, and falling asleep. Overtiredness can lead to a vicious cycle: the more tired the baby becomes, the harder it becomes to fall asleep.

The reason is the hormone cortisol, which is released when you are overtired. Cortisol is actually a hormone that keeps you awake. If sleep is not offered when you are tired, the body is signaled that it does not seem to be a good time to sleep. The hormone that keeps you awake ensures that your baby cannot fall asleep.

4. The role of a structured daily routine

This doesn't mean that you should stick to strict times for eating and sleeping. This is unnatural for your baby and can quickly have the opposite effect, namely overtiredness and a feeling of hunger.

A structured daily routine can help signal to your baby that it's time to sleep. Create a relaxing atmosphere by incorporating quiet activities like gentle singing or petting into your routine when it's time for a daytime nap. Predictable routines create security and help you relax.

Also pay attention to age-appropriate waking times and possible signs of tiredness. These can be very atypical and even change over time. Observe your child and find out your individual signs of tiredness.

The following signs are typical and can serve as a guide:

Once your baby is overtired, it's important to stay calm. Here comes first aid for overtiredness:

It can take varying amounts of time for your baby to relax and calm down. Darkness and physical contact are strongly reminiscent of the comfortable environment in mom's belly.

Even if it's difficult, take a deep breath and stay calm and understanding yourself. Babies cannot yet calm themselves and are dependent on us. So you calm down with us. The calmer we are, the calmer our children will be. The calm then transfers to your baby.

5. Wear – movement and physical contact in one

If your baby absolutely refuses to sleep, alternative methods such as carrying your baby in a carrier or sling could be a wonderful option. Many babies feel calmed by being close to their mother and fall asleep more easily.

Sleeping in a carrier or sling imitates the cozy state in mom's tummy. Gentle movement, maximum physical contact and mom's wonderful scent. There is nothing better than being able to fall asleep relaxed.

Don't be afraid that you'll get your baby into the habit of sleeping in the carrier. A relaxing sleep habit is not a pamper, but a wonderful sleep aid and as long as it works well for both baby and mom, you can use it with confidence.

6. Infants sleep differently

Babies up to around 3 months of age do not have a strong day-night rhythm. This only develops between 8 and 12 weeks of life. Then the little body begins to produce the sleep hormone melatonin itself. Then at the latest it is worth darkening the bedroom for daytime naps, because melatonin is only produced in the dark.

In order to produce enough melatonin, the happiness hormone serotonin is necessary. This hormone is produced in daylight. So in order to produce enough sleep hormones, we need to be exposed to enough daylight. Get some fresh air regularly and treat yourself to a good portion of daylight (especially in the dark season). Regular exercise breaks are also important and can have a positive effect on daytime sleep.

Sleep is rather chaotic until the attack around the 4th month of life. Often there is no recognizable sleep pattern and the naps vary in length. The sleep pattern is also completely different: at the beginning it only consists of 2 sleep phases. Your baby will either sleep soundly or wake up at the slightest noise. Only after the fourth month of life does the sleep pattern change and resemble that of an adult (which does not mean that your baby will automatically sleep through the night).

The tips in this article are intended to help you improve your baby's daytime sleep and avoid overstimulation. Remember not to overwhelm yourself - it's completely normal for babies to have different needs. With love, patience and a dose of calmness, you and your baby will find a good rhythm.

With loving support,

Guest post by Anna from Dream nights:
Instagram: dream nights
