Sleep consultant

Dalia Gharib

Hello, I am Dalia, your expert for holistic baby and toddler sleep.

My main job has been as a pharmacist for 10 years now. I have been intensively involved with the topic of baby sleep since the birth of my child. We have had many exhausting and sleepless nights. This personal experience drove me to become more and more involved with the topic and to start the training. In October 2021 I received my certificate as a holistic sleep consultant for babies and toddlers. In order to deepen my knowledge and to be able to better put myself in the child's perspective, I started a distance learning course on child psychology in autumn 2022.

In the meantime, I have already been able to support over 100 families from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in returning to a relaxed everyday family life.

My message is clear: baby sleep is far less complicated than it seems. There are no "bad sleepers" and no baby needs to learn to sleep. Sleep is a natural need, vital and innate. My work is about helping parents to recognise the causes of their child's behaviour so that they can create the best possible conditions. I never work on the child themselves here, but on the circumstances around them.

Follow me on Instagram at @babyschlafverstehen, where you'll find valuable tips not only on baby sleep, but also on your child's health and development. And if you're ready to dive deeper, a personal, no-obligation initial consultation is open to you. Visit my homepage

In Love, yours Dalia

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